Resin batch 25/Jan/2023

I used 150g of resin (100g of A and 50g of B), 12 drops yellow, 4 drops white, 1 drop black, yellow glitter, and yellow stars. The boxes are a little tricky because if I don't fill the lid enough it can keep sliding off. I got moulds for the crystal animals and giant bear out but I ended up not using them. There's some glitter and stars stuck in the measuring cup. I'll keep that and see if I can use it somewhere else. I might just throw it in the big bear as leftovers.
The hardest part of making resin stuff is leaving it alone to set.
It instructions say to measure by weight, so that's what I do.
I have a small set of kitchen scales in a food bag to keep it clean.
It never gets used for food, it's just for measuring resin and silicone.

Craft tools should NEVER be used for food after crafts.

Super-Bear, he's even got that little curl of hair.
I think this is the second time I've tried this one, 
it got shoved to the bottom of the box for a while.

Sparkly yellow box.
I stirred some of the bubbles out later but they tend to build up in the middle.
Also I think I forgot to check the corners of the lid.
