I thought a description of the species I've created would be useful to some readers.
Some have small fangs, others have claws. - Their fangs aren't big, so they wouldn't be noticed. They usually only use one fang when they drink, so they don't make the usual bite marks. - Their claws only appear when they're either angry or scared enough (triggered by adrenaline). The claws grow from a tiny spur between the base of the nail and the first joint.
When they're angry or scared their eyes will glow. Younglings sometimes struggle to control it because it's also triggered by adrenaline, just not as much as claws are. The colour is different for all of them, but some are more common. Most times it matches their name. Glade's are green, Arget's are silver, Fleur's are a rare pink. Sometimes it won't match. Light tubes which use neon gas to make a coloured light are red, but Neon's are blue.
When they're changed into vampires the stereotypical exchange of blood has to happen. The vampire has to give back within about 3 hours for it to work, so a human could (if they wanted to) drink from them without changing.
Some can go out in the day, others can't, other don't when they can. Those who do are called daywalker, and those who don't or can't are called nightwalker. It doesn't make much difference to them unless they're going to meet somewhere. Only direct or reflected sun light affects them, producing a burn which is identical to any sun burn on humans or animals. Ones who can only be out in minutes before burning either stay inside all day, or have a sun shade (which isn't as common now).
They do drink blood, usually human, but they don't have to for about 3 months. Younglings (newly changed) have to drink every night for a few nights, then it slows down to roughly once a week. They can hunt animals in the 3 months, though they need to hunt humans at least once in the first few nights.
They have abilities to hunt with. They start with one, which is usually similar to their teacher (the one who changed them). Some create a bright dream, others stop pain, some create a feeling of being high (but without addiction), others simply make people sleep. All of them can learn everything because it's based on pheromones, and they just need to fine tune which ones to release.
They can't use their new abilities till they find their new name, and they can't speak before they know it. Some know it straight away, others take a while to find it. They can't write, but they can type. A theory about that is that computers were an unexpected advancement from the time it all started.
Mine started with a curse, something like a virus, and a broken heart. It was about love at the start, and it's always been about love since. The first one liked a witch, and she loved this guy. He said he loved her, but she found him with another woman. She didn't blame the other woman because the guy had said that he loved her too. He got a message from the witch and went to meet her. She told him that she's seen him with the other woman, and cursed him for breaking her heart. It killed her, but it killed him too. He woke up early the following night, changed. The story is passed on down the generations, so most of them know it, even if they don't believe in it.
They have something like telepathy so they can talk to each other without being near them. Mates can link closer than with others, so they can share images and feelings if they want to.
They can eat normal food but most don't bother because they have to be careful with what they eat. (NOT inspired by twilight) They can have fruit and veg, but not much else. They can have any drink they like as long as there's not too much fat in it, and they don't get drunk as easily as humans.
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