"You said you have territory, how big is it?"
"My territory is almost one mile long, and between half and three quarters of a mile wide."
"Who says how big it is?"
"Me. I could claim more if I wished to but I do not see any point in doing so."
"Do you have to patrol it then?"
"No. If we take a territory we will feel when any intrude. I only take one so I can be sure that I hunt alone."
"Wouldn't you feel someone else even if you didn't?"
"Yes, but I would not have a boundary to compare their location to."
"Sort of like GPS then." He looks at her. "Oh, it's a little machine with a map in it and it shows exactly where you are."
"Then yes, like GPS. I share some boundary with Fulmine."
"Who's that?"
"If you like family names then she is my grand-daughter."
"But you...Ok."
"I look too young."
"I know it is confusing for humans."
"How many vampire are there here?"
"Two in this city, me and Fulmine. Others may visit when they like. Raven will arrive next Friday."
"I'll let you two catch up."
"Thank you."
"What's Raven like?"
"He seems unusually gentle for his strength and size." He slows and stops and Rachel looks around, worried there's another man out there who wants to hurt them. G: "This is one edge of my territory." He starts walking again and she sees a difference in him. He's walking along the edge of his territory, listening out for possible intruders. R: "Where's Fulmine's territory?"
"Her territory is the other side of mine."
"How do others know where yours is?"
"They would feel when they are near the boundary."
"And if someone comes in?"
"If they are travelling and are only moving through it is not a problem. If they stay more than an hour or two then I will find them to ask them to leave or ask them why they are here."
"If some can go out in the day, but you can't, what's stopping someone coming here in the day and disappearing at night?"
"Oh. She can go out in the day too then."
"Yes. Would you ever wish to be like me?"
"I don't know. I don't think so. I don't think I would want to leave anyone behind."
"Who would you be leaving behind?"
"I have a half brother, but nobody else."
"Do you mind me asking what happened?"
"I don't mind. there was a house fire. My half brother and me were in the same room, and that room was on the side of a flat roof. We went out the window and jumped off the roof. I broke my right ankle jumping down. He was ok, and he ran next door to get help. By the time anyone got there everyone else had died from the smoke. It's only because I couldn't sleep in a strange bed that I noticed the smoke."
"I am sorry for your loss."
"Nah, you don't have anything to be sorry for." He slows down and stops again, and someone walking along the street stops. Glade growls very faintly, and the other person's eyes glow faintly silver. Rachel moves behind Glade, but he's stopped growling now. The other person starts walking slowly and eventually stops a few metres away. "Hello Glade."
"Brock. Do you realise how long it has been since I saw you?"
"It's not that long."
"Compared to what?"
"Yeah, ok, it's been about a decade. Are you going to introduce me?" Glade nods.
"Rachel, this is Brock. Brock, this is Rachel."
"Hello Rachel, nice to meet you."
"A bit new to all this?"
"You'll get used to it." She just nods. There's two creatures that could easily kill her standing next to her, and it's all a bit much. Glade knows what's going to happen because he can hear her heart. Brock doesn't know, so he doesn't move, but Glade catches her before she hits the ground.
"What's wrong with her?"
"She has a problem with her heart."
"Does she need to go to hospital?"
"No. It only happens when she is stressed, or scared. We are too much for her heart at times."
"What do we do then?"
"I know where her home is."
"So we can take her there."
Rachel wakes up about half an hour later on her own bed. Glade is resting in a chair near her. R: "What happened?"
"You fainted again."
"Where's Brock?"
"At my home. I needed to stay here with you to see that you are all right, so he has gone there alone."
"Do you need water?"
"Yes please." When he gets back she's already asleep so he puts the water on the little table and goes home.
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