Leanne is walking along a country road with a familiar young man. "Why do I always wake up here and not at the camp?" The boy she's walking next to seems confused. "What dream?" He never knows this is a dream. She smiles and keeps walking with him. "What big animals do we have?" He still seems confused, but answers anyway. "Three race horses, a dozen ewes, and two dozen cows, half of which don't give milk any more." Leanne thinks for a minute, then decides on a new idea. She remembers seeing a place which sold horse boxes, and if they could have some horse boxes, they could bring in more large animals. They could have shire horses instead of race horses, and they could transport more cows to their small farm, maybe even a bull or two so that they could get milk from their other cows. Yes, if they had horse boxes they would be better off. "What big animals do we have?"
"Four shires, a dozen ewes, four rams, two dozen dairy cows, three bulls, six nanny goats, and three ram goats."
"Good. What about small animals?"
"Don't you remember what we have? You wrote it all down."
"I don't have the list with me."
"Ok. Six hens, two roosters, eight running ducks, five white geese, five grey geese, six mallards, including a drake, four canada geese who peck at everyone who goes near them, and three wild rabbits we caught in the veg patch. It's time to wake up soon."
"It always is. Do you know where the ducks and geese came from?”
“That big concrete lake with giant carp in it.” She hears something like an alarm clock, but ignores it. The noise keeps getting louder and the scene starts to fade. "Do you hear that?"
"Hear what?" She can feel her bed around her now, the same as every time.
"Never mind." Now she rolls over and smacks the button of her alarm clock and groans as she drags herself out of bed.
Her sister is at the table when she gets downstairs, but their parents have already gone to work. "Morning Leanne."
"Morning Rachel."
"Same dream?"
"Course it was. I got the alpacas this time but I only saw Luke and Bayleen."
"What else can I do to help?"
"Can you start a fire?"
"Yeah, with matches and a firesteel."
"Good, hoarding tins and packets?"
"Yes. There's about three dozen tins under my bed. I just hope mum doesn't find them and put them in the cupboard because dad would eat them all by the time we need them."
"I know. I've got about thirty tins too. You got a good mix of stuff?"
"I get one fruit, one pasta, and one soup every time."
"So do I, good work Rachel."
"I hope friends would believe you too. I don't want to lose Mike."
"It's down to him. You know I saw him once so there's a good change he'd go with us."
"I know. It just scares me silly sometimes. I mean every other thing you dreamed about like this happened, and I keep thinking that it's impossible, but if you're dreaming it so often, it must be real."
"It scares me too, but for now, we just need to carry on and keep learning. You have to go out in a minute."
"I'll be late if I don't go now. I'll see you tonight."
"See you later."
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