I made a lot of bracelets

I kept making them when I wasn't sure what to do with them so that when I figured it out I would have loads to work with. Now that I've found better ends, I have a lot to work with and they're fairly easy to finish off. All they need is a clasp and a bit of chain. I made all of these 8 inches, but if that's too long I can alter them easy enough by opening up the big ring and moving it along, then opening the next link and removing the spare bit of chain. I also set up some chains and clasps so that when I take these with me I can finish one someone really likes.
I know the rainbow one is far too big, but I can nip the end, unpick it till it's short enough, then tidy up the edge and slide the end back on. It was originally going to be a bangle but someone really liked it, but they wanted a clasp instead of a bangle.
